AJFS         About the AJFS

About the AJFS

Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS) has been published since 1980 by the Korean Securities Association (KSA) as its official journal. KSA is the oldest and largest academic organization of finance scholars and practitioners in Korea. AJFS has been selected for coverage in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) as the first finance journal in Asia-Pacific region since 2006.

The Journal (ISSN: 2041-9945 Print, 2041-6156 Online) currently publishes bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October, and December) and welcomes submissions of the research papers of all finance areas from Wiley. The journal website at Wiley can be found at http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ajfs