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[Deadline Extended] CALL FOR PAPERS: AJFS Special Issue on FinTech and related issue (2024 April Issue)

Call For Papers


Special Issue of

Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

                     on FinTech and related issue

Special Issue Editor: Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)


The Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS) invites manuscripts for a special issue on “FinTech”, scheduled for publication in 2024. AJFS became the first finance journal published in the Asia-Pacific region covered by the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in 2006. Visit http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ajfs for additional information about the Journal.


This special issue invites both empirical and theoretical papers in FinTech, with a special focus on the recent developments and issues in Asia-Pacific. The topics of interest for this special issue are broad, including but not limited to:


·  Technological innovations in capital markets

·  Analysis of big data (e.g., alternative, unstructured, and high-dimensional data)

·  Big data applications in novel topics such as ESG or climate finance

·  Machine learning and AI applications in financial economics

·  Economic and social effects of financial developments and innovations

·  Regulatory and policy issues specific to the Asia-Pacific region

·  Market liquidity and financial fragility

·  Capital flows and the real economy

·  Investor behavior and real outcomes

·  Economic and financial integration in the Asia-Pacific region

·  Corporate finance implications of asset pricing



Up to eight (8) papers will be selected and US$1,000 award will be granted to each selected paper.



All manuscripts must be in English and should follow the author guidelines at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2041-6156/homepage/ForAuthors.html To submit your paper, you should log in to your account on the Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies - ScholarOne Manuscripts site at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ajfs as an Author. The deadline for submission has been extended to September 30th, 2023. All manuscripts should be submitted by September 30, 2023. Submission fee is waived, so upload the Submission Charge Form without PayPal information to complete your submission in Step 2 of the submission process. We expect to complete the review process and notify the result by December 31, 2023. Early-accepted papers may appear before the publication of the special issue, which is scheduled for April 2024. For queries, please send an email to: hschoi19@kaist.ac.kr.





