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2014 Best Paper in Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies


 Korean Securities Association is pleased to announce the 2014 Best Paper in 

Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies.



      The First Prize :

            'Agency Costs and Equity Mispricing'

               Christos Pantzalis(University of South Florida)

               Jung Chul Park(Auburn University)

      The Second Prize :

            'Target Capital Structure and Adjustment Speed in Asia'

               Andre Getzmann(University of St. Gallen)

               Stbastian Lang(University of St. Gallen)

               Klaus Spremann(University of St. Gallen) 

  Manuscripts published in Volume 43 of Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies were eligible for the Best Paper Prize.


  The presentation of the prize was made at the KSA annual meeting on February 27, 2015.



  Korean Securities Association
