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CALL FOR PAPERS: AJFS Special Issue on Advances in International Finance in Emerging Markets (2020 April Issue)


Special Issue of

Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

on Advances in International Finance in Emerging Markets

Special Issue Editor: Lilian Ng (York University)


Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS) invites manuscripts for a special issue on“Advances in International Finance in Emerging Markets” and related issues, scheduled for publication in 2020. AJFS became the first finance journal published in Asia-Pacific region covered by the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in 2006. Visit for additional information about the Journal.


This special issue aims to bring finance theory and empirical research in emerging markets to the forefront of international finance. International finance plays a crucial role in improving emerging markets’ access to international financial services, allowing infrastructure investment and development, stimulating foreign direct investment and global trade flows, promoting entrepreneurship, increasing risk sharing and diversification, and improving liquidity in their financial systems. This issue therefore focuses on innovative research that develops a better understanding of the importance of international finance in emerging markets. In particular, it emphasizes any issue related to financial and economic policies, institutions, investors, corporate executives, and corporations in emerging markets, as well as research that identifies important questions about emerging markets and how firms in developed countries relate to those markets and to their firms.


While this special issue welcomes submissions from a wide range of perspectives, preferably in Asia-Pacific financial markets, the following are some examples of possible research topics:

   -   Corporate governance practices
Socially responsible firms and firm performance
  -   Stock return and risk dynamics
  -   The behavior of domestic and foreign (institutional and retail) investors
  -   Politicking behavior of firms in emerging economies
  -   Emerging market corporate debt
  -   Impacts of financial crisis and financial contagion in emerging markets
  -   Financial market regulation and reforms in emerging markets
  -   Financial policies in emerging markets
  -   Corporate financing and investment in emerging markets
  -   Asset allocation, asset management, and asset flows
  -   The role of Fintech in emerging markets
  -   How corporations can minimize foreign exchange exposure in emerging markets
  -   Integration of emerging markets with the global markets
  -   Effects of macro-prudential policies, currency fluctuations, and capital flows



Up to eight (8) papers will be selected and US$1,000 award will be granted to each selected paper.



All manuscripts must be in English and should follow the author guidelines at

To submit your paper, you should login to your account on the Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies - ScholarOne Manuscripts site at as an Author. All manuscripts should be submitted by July 31, 2019. Submission fee is waived, so upload Submission Charge Form without credit card or PayPal information to complete your submission in Step 5 of the submission process. We expect to complete the review process and notify the result by December 31, 2019. Early-accepted papers may appear prior to the publication of the special issue which is scheduled on April, 2020. For queries, please send email to:
