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2018 Best Paper in Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

      Korean Securities Association is pleased to announce the 2018 Best Paper in

                                      AsiaPacific Journal of Financial Studies    


 The First Prize :

​    'Short-Term Trading Skills of Individuals, Institutions, and Foreigners: A New Approach

      Based on Relative Performance'

      Jong-Bom Chay (Sungkyunkwan University)

      Wonse Kim (Seoul National University)

The Second Prize :

   'What Constitutes “Too Big to Jail?” Evidence from South Korea’s Family Business Groups'

     Hansoo Choi (Korea Institute of Public Finance)

     Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang University)

     Changmin Lee (Hanyang University)


 Best Reviewer Award :

  - Ji Yeo lJimmy Oh (Hanyang University)

  ​- Brian Wenzel (McGll University)






 Manuscripts published in Volume 47 of AsiaPacific Journal of Financial Studies were eligible

 for the Best Paper Prize.


 The presentation of the prize was made at the KSA annual meeting on February 22, 2019. 




 Korean Securities Association

