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2020 Best Paper in Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

조회수 : 2161
     Korean Securities Association is pleased to announce the 2020 Best Paper in

                                      Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies


      *Best paper Award 


         -Bank Liquidity Creation, Regulations, and Credit Risk

          Meng-Fen Hsieh(National Taichung University of Science and Technology)

          Chien-Chiang Lee(Nanchang University)


        -Controversial Industries, Regional Differences, and Risk: Role of CSR

           Hoje Jo(Santa Clara University)

           Kwangwoo Park(KAIST)) 


       *Best Reviewer Award       


         -Angie Low(Nanyang Technological University) 

         -Han Xia(University of Texas at Dallas)


     *Best Associate Editor 

        -Bohui Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)



       Manuscripts published in Volume 49 of AsiaPacific Journal of Financial Studies were

       eligible for the Best Paper Prize.


       The presentation of the prize was made at the KSA annual meeting on February 26, 2021.



      Korean Securities Association    

